Project Hope

For his 2023-2024 Masonic year, District Deputy Grand Master, R.W. Bro. Ronald D. De Merchant, has selected the Ontario District Project No. 2449 to be in support of Project "HOPE" with a goal of raising funds towards this project. Cheques should be made payable to - “Ontario District A.F. & A.M.” and note "Ontario District Project No. 2449" in the comment line.

Ontario District Masons are acutely aware of the many people in our communities that are daily fighting the battel with cancer. They are our Brothers, our family, our friends, our neighbours, coworkers, and others that walk among us.

The goal of Project "HOPE" is to provide direct patient supports for Cancer Patients receiving treatment at the regional cancer centres within Ontario Masonic District:  Northumberland Hills Hospital and Lakeridge Health R.S. McLaughlin Durham Regional Cancer Centre

All funds raised, which will be divided between the two regional cancer centres, will go to directly improve the therapeutic experience of patients in active cancer treatment. By doing so, the Masons of Ontario District seek to support positive outcomes by creating a feeling of “HOPE” in the patients and their families. 

Money raised will be directed to provide patient care, support and comfort items, and/or equipment regardless of the type of cancer being fought or the backgrounds of the patients. No funds will go to administrative costs and the products provided are not currently funded by either the public or private health care systems.

By giving a little, we can all give a lot to many cancer patients in what is a struggle for continued quality of life or even to maintain life itself.

To donate please do so with the Masonic Foundation of Ontario.